From my 2016 book, 'How to Draw Sci-fi Utopias and Dystopias'. This is a descendant of our current ISS--at any given time it has a crew complement of about 100 astronauts, and serves as a disembarkation point to the lunar and Martian colonies.
I’ve been a professional illustrator and comic book artist since 1993. I have hundreds of credits with DC Comics, and have contributed art to every major character in the DC Universe. I’ve worked on such bestselling projects as: DC: One Million, DC: 2000, JLA: Incarnations, Green Lantern: Rebirth, Green Lantern Corps, Flash: Iron Heights, Batman: The Ultimate Evil, Power Company, Impulse, JLA: Foreign Bodies, Dr. Fate, and Touch. I was heavily involved with Milestone Media during its initial partnership with DC Comics in the 1990s, and contributed art to Hardware, Static, Icon, Blood Syndicate, and Heroes. For Marvel Comics I worked on New X-Men. For additional information, please view my About Page